

International Society for Fats Research http://www.isfnet.org The International Society for Fats Research, which has its headquarters in Champaign, Illinois, USA, comprises 24 member organisations and aims to promote exchange of information on fats, oils and related materials. It achieves this through the organisation of international conferences on fat science and technology, and symposia on more specific subjects. This website provides contact details for each member organisation and a calendar of relevant forthcoming meetings; the last meeting detailed is due to be held in May 2007. A brief history of the Society is given together with information on past holders of and nominations for an award presented by the Society in honour of their founder: the Kaufmann Memorial Lecture Award.

National Institute of Oilseed Products (NIOP) http://www.oilseed.org/ NIOP is an international trade association, with headquarters in Washington, DC, USA, that promotes the business interests of those involved in the trade, transport, processing, storage and/or use of vegetable oils and oilseeds. The website comprises: a password-protected membership directory; information regarding benefits of membership; and an online membership form. Details are also given for the NIOP Annual Convention. The site also includes a hot topics section which, at present, provides access to US government guidelines for ensuring safety of the food supply. The table of contents and an order form for NIOP trading rules, which provide specifications for quality, transport and trading of oilseed products, are given; full rules are provided free to members. Links to 11 relevant non-profit organisations are also provided.

Oleo-Fats Inc.http://www.oleofats.com/ This Philippines-based company, established in 1987, is a manufacturer and supplier to the food industry of speciality fats and oils, including coconut based fats and oils; it supplies mainly to companies in the Philippines and other countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Products are classified in terms of their food industry use: sections are provided for bakery, biscuit, noodles, confectionery, fast foods, dairy products, pizza, and snack foods industries. In each section, information is given on functional, physical and/or sensory properties, and applications of each product. In addition to various online forms for making enquiries of the company and answers to some FAQ about the company, a glossary of terms used in the fats and oils industry is provided.

The Margarine and Spreads Association http://www.margarine.org.uk This is the website of the body that represents manufacturers of margarine, fat spreads and shortenings in the UK. It contains a password-protected area for members only, and 8 sections that are freely accessible. These accessible sections provide overviews of: the history of margarine, including a timeline from the 18th Century to 1999; the chemistry of fats and oils; margarine manufacture and use (oilseed production and properties of seed oils, oil processing, margarine manufacture, packaging and labelling, and use of margarine and spreads as food ingredients); and dietary fats in relation to nutrition and health. Sections aimed at teachers provide 4 assignments for investigating the physical properties of retail margarines and their use in cake making, information on functional properties of fats and the chemistry of cakes, a word search puzzle and 7 recipes using margarine or vegetable fat spread. All information provided on the website is also presented in PDF files.

Information Service, www.broelio.dehttp://www.broelio.de/ Brölio is the edible oils section of the German company Brökelmann + Co. Its website, or information centre, which is available in German or English, provides details of the company, e.g. its oil milling facilities, oil processing and products, and research conducted in collaboration with various universities and colleges into nutritional and health aspects of dietary fats, oil processing technology, environmental aspects and logistics. The section Fat in nutrition presents the reader with an overview of current thinking regarding dietary fats, nutrition and health; this includes definitions of vegetable fats, animal fats, "good" and "bad" fats, refined and cold pressed oil, the Mediterranean diet and effects of vitamin E and free radicals. In addition, information on the history of the cultivation of the plant source and oil use, nutritional values and fatty acid composition is presented for rapeseed, sunflower, safflower, soybean, walnut and corn oils. Development and nutritional values for deep frying oils and the oil product Mediterrano are also described.

Lipid Analysis Unit, Scottish Crop Research Institutehttp://www.lipid.co.uk/ This online lipid information resource is produced by the Lipid Analysis Unit, a commercial venture that is part of Mylnefield Research Services Ltd. Services provided by (including contract research and courses on lipid chemistry and analysis), facilities at and staff employed by the Unit are detailed; however, the site is also the home of the Lipid Library. This online library comprises numerous documents, available as HTML or PDF files, on various aspects of lipid chemistry and analysis produced, predominantly, by Dr. William W. Christie. The library is divided into the following sections: what is a lipid?; individual lipid and fatty acid classes -- structures, composition, analysis; mass spectrometry of fatty acid derivatives; methods used in lipid analysis; introduction to conjugated linoleic acid; and 13C-NMR chemical shifts for fatty acids and their derivatives. In addition, a lipid literature database has been created; references for the current year are added monthly and references are organised yearly from 1994 until the present. A comprehensive list of links to other relevant websites is also provided.

Oil World http://www.oilworld.biz/app.php Oil World, or ISTA Mielke GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany, provides information and forecasting regarding the global market in fats and oils, oilseeds and oilseed meals. Publications and a CD-ROM produced by the company are promoted on the website, and recent market headlines and a list of 20 relevant links have been posted. Market statistics and electronic publications are accessible to subscribers only while publications may be purchased online following registration.

FOSFA Internationalhttp://www.fosfa.org/ This is the website for the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations, an international association, based in London, UK, of more than 700 members from 67 countries: members are involved in trade oilseeds, oils, fats and/or edible peanuts or are suppliers of services to the fats and oils industry. The association produces various publications, provides trading contracts and arbitration services and offers training courses; details of these services are given on the website. In addition, previous (up to 3 weeks) and current world prices for oilseeds, oils and fats are included, as are documents, also available as PDF files, providing general information on various oilseeds and oils, and links to websites of members and other useful sites. Benefits and types of membership, including online contracts, are detailed and access to the members-only website, www.fosfa.net, is available via this site.
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